Friday, October 28, 2016

EOC Week 4: Theres an app for that

There should be an app that can test your blood sugar for diabetics. All you have to do is download the app and there will be a small SD card where you place your blood and the test will begin. The app will cost 3.99 and you would be able to but the SD card or test strips and overnighted to your house. Everyone now a days have a smart phone and with this app it will make diabetics a little more comfortable with testing there blood. They would not have to carry around the kits. Everything would be done right at their finger tips.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Week 3: Generous Companies

Gilead’s 2015 cash contributions: $446.7 million
Gilead’s  GILD 0.28%  giving jumped by nearly two-thirds in 2015, due to rising revenues as the biotech firm expanded into the Hepatitis C market. Most of the company’s grants are reactive, based on specific funding requests from nonprofit groups. The company declined to provide an accounting of its biggest cash grants in 2015, but said that most giving falls within its work on HIV/AIDS and liver disease. Last year, for example, Gilead granted $2-million to help the nonprofit Liver Foundation build a health facility in Kolkata, India.
        Companies that give 100% to charity is great, but as a company you have to make money to keep moving forward in this time. I am in the beginning of starting my non-profit and i am giving back to the veteran and the families. If i was to gave all i earn to charity i would not make it very far. 

Week 2 EOC: Video Games

With everyone having a gaming system in the home and this game generation most of the time is sitting on the couch and not interacting with anyone. I hate to see the kids now a days not going outside and enjoying the great outdoors. I have a 13 year old son and his life was consumed by playing his Xbox360. I had to take him away from that he now never plays the system because if I see he is getting bored I will take him outside and we will go hiking, fishing, anything to keep his mind somewhere else.

     PS3 goes to the dog
Ps4 dog full access living room take over
Xbox 1s cash cow was to take over your living room and it never happened
WIIu dog lost money on everything
Samsung Question mark opening a door to new things.
Digital downloaded games Apps to download to your phone… Games on the go
Computer games Dog only for the hardcore gamers
Handheld game “PSP” Dog waste of money with all the apps you can download on your phone

Friday, October 7, 2016

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

                             I'm pretty sure i am the only one that has always had great customer service everywhere i go, and i say this because if i start out at a restaurant and the server looks like they are not having a good day/night i will ask them if everything is ok. Then i will have a conversion with them to feel them out and get an idea of what type of service i will be receiving. I will talk about everything with them to make what looks like a bad night turn into a part time friendship. Now, this don't always work but 99.9% of the time the whole attitude of the person will change and my dinning experience turns out great. The only time i have ever had an issue was at a bar, I'm not going to name the bar "The Lodge" but it has been a place i have been to many of times and the bartenders knew my wife and I. Well one night i was hanging out about 9ish and the bartenders that were working was about to get off and i was fine i had a fresh beer so no worries.
                              Well the hired a new guy and i had a few friends show up to play some pool so the drinks were flowing for about 30mins or so then all the bartenders i did know left for the night and it was just the new guy. I'm a pretty laid back guy and i like to joke around with everyone, and the new bartender was joking with us. Then 2 girls walked in and they were pretty good looking so he walked over to tend to the girls and thats when the service just went to shit. Now, the bar had 5 people in it and that was it, my friends and i sat at the pool for 30mins waiting on a beer, we ended up walking over to the bartender and confronting him that we need some refills and i guess we hurt his pride in front of the girls.
                           He walked to the back of the bar and was not seen for 45mins, not sure what he was doing but he came back and we still waited 20 mins to get a beer. Well, the whole time he was gone i took a video of the bar and texted to the manager who i knew very well. Thats when shit hit the fan and the bartender want to fight everyone. Come to find out the bartender was the owners bother-in law that just moved here and he ended up getting fired that night. I ended up not doing a review on the bar because the owner was my friend and he made things right with me and my friends.

Week 1EOC : My Voice

                    The world of photography is something that if you are not on top you will be left behind. My life started as a solider and that was all i knew, then one day life happens and i have to find something else to keep me busy. Once I put a camera in my hand it was just like the first time a grabbed a rifle for the military it just fit. I have my camera close to me at all times just like a soldier had there rifle during war. Most of my time is spend looking up different shooting style and the new equipment coming out. I will sit at my computer for hours reading reviews and checking what others think about the new lens or the new camera. When i'm not at the computer i am walking around meeting new people and challenging  myself to be the best. When i set up to take a picture i put my heart into every time, I am looking at the lighting the way it lays on my subject. Once i have the pictures i think i need i will sit down with everything and then the fun part starts with editing (Photoshop/Lightroom) which with that i can be in front on the computer for hours at a time. I am my worst critic and if it don't look right i will start everything over.